
Description and Tutorial (german)
Quick Start Guide (english)

Screenshot Sorestim

With the help of program „Sorestim“ stereo image pairs can be found quickly in series of images and associated with each other.Series of pictures that were taken with two synchronized cameras can be automatically assigned. However, stereo images, which were taken with a single camera in succession (Cha Cha), can be assigned with a few mouse clicks quite comfortable.

If there is a shooting of more than two images (e.g. Ultra High Speed continous shooting), so all left-right combinations can be created with one click . Using the preview function image pairs with a suitable base can be chosen.

The presentation of the preview image is available as a parallel view, cross eye, anaglyph (red / cyan) or mono image.

After assigning the series can be re-named and re-numbered. The images of a stereo image pair will be obtained with the same name.

The program „Sorestim“ offers you the opportunity to create very flexible file names. You can use a lot of image information as part of the new name. This includes file properties such as the original filename and the most important Exif informations.

The stereo image pairs and single images can be copied or moved in separate or shared directories either. To distinguish a suffix can be attached to the image name.

JPG images can be rotated without loss.

The program „Sorestim“ shows all common file formats such as JPG, TIFF, etc. In addition, a large number of RAW formats can be displayed. I know that the current version of the program is not yet mature.

I would be pleased, if the program could be improved by your help. Please contact me if you have any questions, comments or suggestions to the program.

Who likes to get in contact with me can send an e-mail to the following address:Mail to BePa

I wish all stereo photo enthusiastic friends a lot of fun with the program „Sorestim“. Enjoy!

Bernd Paksa
in autumn 2010

Description and Tutorial (german)
Quick Start Guide (english)

Copyright © 2010 by Mail an BePa Last changed on 25.02.2013

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